Month of Adar Contemplative Shabbat Morning Service
Jewish chant and meditation with Torah service. Led by Rabbi Anne Brener, Cantor Marc Bachrach, prayer leader, Evelyn Baran with Lyle Poncher, Miri Koral and Marilyn Zweifach
Jewish chant and meditation with Torah service. Led by Rabbi Anne Brener, Cantor Marc Bachrach, prayer leader, Evelyn Baran with Lyle Poncher, Miri Koral and Marilyn Zweifach
Jewish chant and meditation with Torah service. Led by Rabbi Anne Brener, Cantor Marc Bachrach, prayer leader, Evelyn Baran with Lyle Poncher, Miri Koral and Marilyn Zweifach
Jewish chant and meditation with Torah service. Led by Rabbi Anne Brener, Cantor Marc Bachrach, prayer leader, Evelyn Baran with Lyle Poncher and Miri Koral.
Go beyond the ordinary Jewish Holiday services with inspired leadership, silent meditation and heartfelt prayers. High Holiday services led by Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, Cantor Marc Bachrach and Prayer Leader, Evelyn Baran.
Chant, Pray, Meditate with Metivta community leaders and Rabbi Anne Brener. Special rememberance of R’Jonathan Omer-Man, Metivta’s founder.
Chant, Pray, Meditate with Metivta community leaders and Rabbi Anne Brener.
Join Rabbi Tirzah Firestone and Metivta for the precious opportunity to reclaim your inner stillness within a wise and loving community.
Chant, Pray, Meditate with Metivta community leaders and Rabbi Anne Brener.
Chant, Pray, Meditate with Metivta community leaders and Rabbi Anne Brener.
Sunday, April 10 1—3pm Pacific online via zoom
During this afternoon workshop, we will bring new life to our Passover Seders by exploring three Passover traditions, not as relics of the past, but as nuggets of living wisdom. We will dive into the mystical meaning of the Seder plate, and experience the truth that we are living the journey right now.
We will explore new ways to implement the Ha Lachma Anya declaration, welcoming in Elijah the Prophet. Gems from the Chasidic Masters, modern poetry, and the brilliance of community sharing will help us illuminate and inspire Passover this year. We will travel back in time and space to be with our ancestors, and they will accompany us on our part of the journey.
This event will be held online via Zoom. Advance registration required. Meeting links will be sent to registrants shortly before the retreat begins. Phone in options available.
Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, PhD, is an author, Jungian therapist, and the founding rabbi of Congregation Nevei Kodesh in Boulder, Colorado. She was ordained by Rabbi Zalman Schachter Shalomi in 1992 and is a leader in the international Jewish Renewal Movement. She served as Co-Chair of Rabbis for Human Rights, North America (now known as T'ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights.) Widely known for her work on Jewish feminism and the modern applications of Jewish mystical wisdom, Firestone teaches nationally on Jewish ancestral healing and the common boundary between ancient Jewish spirituality and modern psychology. Her most recent book is "Wounds Into Wisdom: Healing Intergenerational Jewish Trauma." For more about Rabbi Firestone, go to www.tirzahfirestone.com
Community Healing chant and meditation to bring peace.
Chant, Pray, Meditate with Metivta community leaders and Rabbi Anne Brener.
Chant, Pray, Meditate with Metivta community leaders and Rabbi Anne Brener.
Ashreynu! How fortunate we are to be in life together to greet a new year! Please join us once again at the New Moon of Elul, a time when the Hassidic Masters say we receive a surge of spiritual energy to prepare ourselves for a new cycle of life—to clear the decks of our hearts, break up old patterns, and release hidden moats of darkness that have built up over the past year. Rabbi Dr Tirzah and Metivta leaders will guide us in an afternoon immersion of deep meditation, teachings from Hassidut and Kabbalah, and the joyous company of one another. Come and restore yourself!
This workshop will be held online via Zoom. Advance registration required.
Suggested donation: $ 54—$90
Chant, Pray, Meditate with Metivta community leaders and Rabbi Anne Brener.
This year, the return of spring and the aromas of Passover awaken us to new life like never before. To heal from winter’s wounds, and reignite your faith in the hidden wholeness that lives within, let’s consciously cross the season’s threshold together. Join Reb Tirzah and the Metivta community for an afternoon of healing practices, nourishing meditations, and sacred teachings for the holiday.
This retreat willl be held onlline via Zoom. Advance registration required.
Suggested donation $36 –$72
Chant, Pray, Meditate with Metivta community leaders and Rabbi Anne Brener.
Every year, the Rabbis teach, at the end of the summer, life pulses with a subliminal call to return to our deepest selves—to heal, recalibrate, and renew ourselves. The New Moon of Elul signals the start of a 40-day journey home that culminates at Yom Kippur, Day of At-one-ment.
This year, one that is hobbled by illness and upheaval, the call to go inward is profoundly needed. It summons us to gather together as best we can, to create sacred space and travel together into stillness, prayer, and re-alignment with our souls, and the soul of the world.
Reb Tirzah will lead our online Elul retreat with guided meditations, music, and teachings to help us recount our losses and harvest the gifts of the past year. Please bring a journal or notebook and pen/pencil and join us as we launch our High Holiday season
💜 Join Metivta online live via Zoom for a Sacred Journey of Renewal, Relevance, and Community-Connection 💜
Suggested donation to cover expenses $36-$72
This daylong Jewish meditation retreat focused on Tikkun Olam will feature silent sitting and walking meditation, chanting and discussion.
Over the weekend, we will explore how the Kabbalah reimagines the nature of God, revelation, and what Judaism can mean for us today. Daniel Matt will guide us through passages from the Zohar and other texts of Kabbalah, focusing on the following:
∞ Ein Sof (God as Infinity);
∞ Shekhinah (the feminine Divine Presence), the Divine energy animating the universe;
∞ Ayin (mystical Nothingness, or No-thingness),
∞ Torah, its mystical meaning;
∞ Shabbat, its spiritual depth;
and meditation and the significance of every single day.
Cost: $450 for a single room
$400 for a shared room
$300 for commuters (Food only)
Limited scholarships are available upon request.
A day of Torah, guided meditation, chanting, personal transformation, and storytelling. Vegetarian lunch included. Registration price includes a copy of Rev Tirzah’s book, “Wounds into Wisdom: Healing Intergenerational Jewish Trauma.”
A very special weekend retreat with Daniel Matt, translator/annotator of the most important text of the Kabbalah, The Zohar.
Please join us for a very special service of prayer, chant, meditation, a Torah reading with Metivta's signature aliyot and d'rash, followed by a kiddush. Our inspirational rabbis and teachers include Rabbi Anne Brener, Marilyn Zweifach, Lyle Poncher, and Evelyn Baran.
A day-long workshop led by Zoketsu Norman Fischer and Rabbi Shefa Gold, in which we will use meditation, chant and teaching to explore and deepen our lovingkindness practic
How do we turn away from that which is draining us of Life-force, and turn towards that which is Life-giving? How do we return to a sense of belonging, authenticity and connection to the whole of Creation? How do we surrender to the Great Mystery that is holding us, transforming us and loving us unconditionally?
Elul Shabbaton at Holy Spirit Retreat Center
The shofar blows to usher in Elul, leading up to Rosh Hashana, and it is blown every morning during the month of Elul. It is a profound opportunity to begin the process of awakening to mindfulness and the Days of Awe. Rabbi Ann Brenner, Rabbi Ivan Ickovits, Dr. Marilyn Zweifach, and Lyle Poncher will help guide us in this process during a day-long Shabbaton of chant, meditation, Torah study and prayer. At the beautiful Holy Spirit Retreat Center in Encino.
Price: $50 Includes Vegetarian Lunch.
Summer getting too hot? Pray it cool with Metivta! Community Contemplative Shabbat Service.
For all those seeking the experience of a spiritual community's unique celebration of Shabbat, you are invited to the first in a series of very special observances organized by Metivta in the chapel of Temple Emanuel in Beverly Hills.
Led by Perry Oretzky, 9:30AM at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills followed by a short discussion; in addition, on the first Shabbat of the month I also lead a chant service at 10 and followed by a teaching. Find out more at http://www.tebh.org/ (click "This Week" button)