Annual Retreats
Elul Retreat
Elul, the month leading up to the Days of Awe, is a period of profound spiritual preparation. During it, we are encouraged to engage in deep self-introspection, to offer and ask for forgiveness for times we have fallen short, and, by so doing, to draw the Divine out from even our darkest shadows.
Check EVENTS tab for dates and location. And be sure to sign up for the newsletter for updates.
Be Still and Know with Rabbi Tirzah Firestone. Sunday, Aug 28 2-4:30pm Pacific
Join us for Be Still and Know: An online gathering the New Moon of Elul
As Passover approaches, let’s draw on the power of the season and—through the miracle of technology—on the joy of each other’s presence as we continue on our endless spiral journey toward Freedom. This year, with so many losses, having been schooled in what matters most, we cross through mud and high waters in our ancestors footsteps, calling on their legacy of courage and resilience for the energy we need to persevere.
Join Rabbi Tirzah and Metivta Center for Contemplative Judaism for a Passover immersion into:
~ Sacred poetry and Hassidic wisdom for the holiday
~ Seder Table Gems and Usable teachings
~ Contemplative Silence and Community warmth
This event will be held online via Zoom. Advance registration required. Meeting links will be sent to registrants shortly before the retreat begins. Phone in options available.
Sunday, March 21, 2021
2PM—4:30PM PST
Suggested donaton: $36—$72
Retreats are an integral part of the Metivta experience. They give us the opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life in order to truly connect with each other and ourselves. Through meditation, chant, study, and prayer, each retreat serves to better equip us for the challenges and wonder that life brings.
For more information on any of our retreats, please contact Lyle Poncher at
Spring Retreat
Each Spring, we gather to meditate, pray, and study in reflective and intimate quiet. The experience is communal yet contemplative—a way of preparing for Pesach and creating a loving Shabbat, a time out of time.
This retreat is not suited for beginners unfamiliar with meditation or with our resonant style of study, speaking from a place of silence without intellectual combat. Participants should plan to attend the entire retreat.