Special Programs and Services
Whether it is a program for Pesach, a Hanukkah celebration, a Tisha B'av study group, or something inspired by one of our guest teachers like our recent Dzikr workshop, our special programs are each unique.
Tikkun L'eil Shavuot
Each year we meet for a traditional Tikkun L'eil Shavuot, the late night study session on Erev Shavuot. In keeping with our belief that we can receive Torah anew in every moment, we study, chant, meditate and do yoga together so we may open to what is possible for us at this time in our holiday cycle.
Check back soon for more information on our upcoming Tikkun L'eil Shavuot service!
Dzikr Workshop
Dzikr is an ancient spiritual exercise in which a group uses breath, movement, chant, and meditation together as a sublime means to deep connection with the Divine. Recently, Rabbi Ivan Ickovits taught Dzikr theory and practice to the Metivta community, giving all an opportunity to learn this powerful exercise. Dzikr, or "remembrance," is a practice in many different circles of Sufis—mystics connected to the Islamic faith. This sacred practice has become an integral part of Metivta retreats and High Holiday services.
“Dzikr is not an exclusively Islamic practice but a Universal one. There are references to the practice in Jewish literature. It is a form to stimulate and revitalize the experience of the presence of God. As such it is sacred and requires quietude, focus—access to one’s inner space. This practice is done sitting, standing, and/or moving.”
Upcoming dates to be announced.