Rescheduled from December 18
Connect with the Jewish rhythm of life by joining Metivta Community leaders, Evelyn Baran, Lyle Poncher and Rabbi Anne Brener on Shabbat morning in chant, meditation and prayer. Open to a deeper, calmer part of yourself. By coming together on Shabbat we can help ourselves and each other to find more peace, healing and joy.
This virtual service will be held online with Zoom. You must pre-register. No payment necessary but donations are always welcome. Meeting link will be sent only to those who register in advance.
What to expect from a
Metivta Contemplative Shabbat Service:
After a introductions and greetings we begin the morning service with setting intentions and alternating chant and meditation.
Next we transition into the Torah service. Metivta's tradition is to do group aliyot. Attendees will be invited "up" to participate in any aliyot whose theme resonates with then.
The Torah service is followed by the drash (interpretation of the Torah reading) given by one of our service leaders.
Drash is followed by healing prayers and the Mourner's Kaddish
We close with poetry, announcements and kiddush.