The Tao of Tanya: Exploring Why and How We Meditate as Jews
A multi-week text study with Rabbi Andrew Hahn, Ph.D.
Four Thursdays, starting May 8, 2014 @7pm • Class Dates: May 8, 15, 22, 29
$20 for single class / $65 for the whole series
This largely text-based course is a follow-up to Metivta’s Panel on Jewish Meditation. In the four week series, we will tease out whether there is a thing as “Jewish” meditation. Based in texts from the Jewish tradition — from the Bible, rabbinic and kabbalistic literature, as well as from modern thinkers — we will attempt to uncover reasons from Jewish wisdom as to why humans meditate. While you will gain the most benefit by following the series from beginning to end, each class will be self-contained. This class will be of interest to anyone who meditates. Where appropriate, short meditation exercises will embody what we have learned.
May 8: From Matzah to Revelation: The period from Passover to Shavuot and what it tells us about having a personal practice
May 15: Journey of the Jewish Soul: Why are we in these bodies and what are we supposed to do in them?
May 22: Olam ha-Ba Now!: Finding Eternity in the Moment
May 22: Creation of Nothing from Something: Our purpose and task on earth according to teachings of the Tanya.