
“One way of looking at the spiritual path is to see it as a quest for liberation from habits of thought and mind; this is our work, and it leads us towards a greater alignment with the Divine. Somewhere along the way the  soul  can be set free, but  only if one is willing to face complexity, to move through it and to emerge from it into the simplicity that lies beyond. We must learn to struggle with complexity and understand it, and move through it with its joys and tears. This is the path to God, one of whose names in Hebrew is hapashtut hamuflam the great simplicity; know that and accept it, and you are truly on the path.”     

                                                                               —Rabbi Jonathan Omer-Man z”l

Welcome to Metivta!  We are a Los Angeles-based adult, egalitarian, non-denominational Jewish community founded over thirty years ago by Rabbi Jonathan Omer-Man.  Metivta is a unique place for anyone interested in learning Jewish meditation, studying Jewish texts, and practicing the teachings that are at the heart of these disciplines.  Our focus is on contemplative study and practice within the Jewish tradition.

Our community is a blend of old and new, inclusive to all who have serious yearnings to deepen their connections between inner understanding of the mystery we call God and Jewish practice. We offer a contemplative way to be Jewish to normative Jews as well as to those who are uncomfortable, unfamiliar, or untutored in traditional Judaism.

This website is intended to be a source of connection between those of us who are interested in pursuing a contemplative path within Judaism—people interested in creating and maintaining a place for silence in the midst of our active Jewish lives.  We observe kashrut and are wheelchair accessible at all Metivta sponsored events.

We are currently a community "without walls," meeting in the Los Angeles area in the homes of members, friends of Metivta, and meditation-friendly synagogues.  We welcome new members, their ideas and their involvement.  We invite your participation and support. 

Be sure to check back often to find out what is going on at Metivta!